Friday, April 29, 2011


So the week before Easter was good in a normal, not much happening, no drama, sort of way. I got through my weekly runs on my work lunch break. So as far as I can forsee, I will not need to take any time away from the family during the week to get ready for Grandma's Marathon. That works out well, as now I will have my longest runs coming up on the weekends.

Here's last weeks activity;

Monday 4/18: light upper body weights; curls, tricepts, lats, side raises, military presses, and chin-ups.
Tuesday: 4/19:  4 mile run w/ 3x2minute hill repeats on the treadmill. 33 min.
Wednesday 4/20: 5 mile tempo run. 20 minutes @ 5K pace on the treadmill. 39:15 min.
Thursday 4/21:  4.2 mile run. 31:28 min. Actually ran outside!
Friday 4/22: 3 mile run on the treadmill, 23:20 min.
Saturday 4/23:  Off (Harper's First Birthday!)
Sunday 4/24:  10 mile run. 1:20:30. 8:03 min/mile. * last 3 miles were the fastest, sub 8 min/mile*

Here's this weeks activity to date;

Monday 4/25:  3 mile run. 23:58 min. Outside
Tuesday 4/26: 4.35 mile tempo run on the treadmill. 8x2 minute @ 5K pace.
Wednesday 4/27: 5 mile run. 40min. Treadmill
Thursday 4/28: 4 mile run. 33 min.Treadmill
Friday 4/29:  5 mile run. 37:30. Finally got to run outside!  7:29min/mile.
Saturday 4/30: Off
Sunday 4/31: 16 Miler!

I'll leave with a few pics of things that make me smile...

4/14 - Going

4/20 - Going

4/21 - Still going

4/24 - Gone!

The Easter haul! I've watch Toy Story 3 everyday since Easter

I'm 1! This is how I roll!
 You may (or may not) have noticed that my race schedule has changed a bit. My wife and I got roped in invited to join a Ragnar Relay team. She's excited and I'm warming up to it. It should be fun though. I think my next post will be about how much time I'm actually with my wife. I'm curious to see if anyone else has this problem  is as lucky as I am.


  1. Your children are adorable. My daughter is into the Lion King...I think we have watched it 20 times in two weeks. The most annoying part is that she doesn't like certain parts so because its "scary" so we have to fast foward those parts.
    Hearing a lot about that Ragnar race on blogs. It can't be that bad!

  2. Ragnar Relays are a great time! You'll love it!

    The snow pics are hilarious!!

    Those are some nice runs up above!

  3. Glad the snow is gone and you're getting some outside runs in! Looks like a great schedule. And beautiful daughters!!

  4. Hooray for the 4/24 pic!! Snow be gone!

    The kids are beautiful. Lovin' the "how I roll" pic. Adorable.
