Monday, November 15, 2010


Here's a pic of the workout room in the building that I work in. For cardio, it has 3 treadmills, 1 stair climber thing, 1 recumbent bike, 1 bike trainer, and 2 elipical. It also has a workout machine for some weight training. They also have 2 flat screens for the ladies who like to walk on the treadmills and watch their Soaps. It's not much, but better than nothing and more than most. It's pretty nice as the building is only about 4 years old. There is also a locker room with a couple of showers and about 9-10 lockers, I'll send a picture. 
Also, the business park that I work at has a 1 mile loop running/walking around a couple small ponds. It's kind of nice as it's marked off in 1/4 mile sections. I use it mostly for my speed work outs. 

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