Thursday, April 7, 2011

Snow Update

4/6/2011. Shadows of my wife and me (holding our almost one year old).
So here's a pic of the snow pile that's quickly melting in our cul de sac. Although there is always a chance we could get more snow, I'm almost convinced that spring is here. It's been nice enough to get outside for a few 4 mile runs on my lunch break this week. Hopefully the treadmill at work will get a much needed break.
Here's a pic of the first snow pile of the year.
pic of the last significant snow of the year. 2/20/2011
I'm probably going to jinx myself, but I think the snow is done for the year. If not, it won' be long. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The marathon training is going well and I think I'll pick up some new shoes this weekend. I'm scheduled for a 5 and 8 mile run this weekend and look forward to run on the home turf.  Only 6 weeks from Saturday until my half marathon race and I'm looking forward to it.  I've only ran one stand alone half marathon and that was in October of 2008 and I'm curious to see how much I've improved. I guess I'll find out soon enough. 


  1. It's gonna be 80 here today but looking at these pics makes me wanna wear a jacket!

    I love training in the cold. For some reason. All my friends think I'm nuts but when it gets hot out I just melt on my runs. I'm a total pansy.

  2. Your getting snow and I will be facing temperatures in the 90s on Sunday. I would rather train in the cold


  3. I agree, I also enjoy training in the "cooler" weather(although some of my posts may be seem contradictive). It got into the 60's yesterday for the first time in 147 days.
