Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Not having a ball lately

So I can't resume any training until at least 7/4 due to my recent medical "procedure", so I was laying out whats next on the list of races I have for the summer. I noticed that my next race is the GraniteMan sprint triathlon on 8/6/2011. That only gives me 5 weeks to prep. I should mention that I haven't rode my real bike at all this year (other than the trainer a few times) or swam 1 lap since February. I'm hoping that my marathon training will carry over a little bit, but I'm not entirely worried about it. The rest of this summer's events are for fun only.

The pic below is about as accurate a depiction of how the medical procedure felt  as I could find. I apologize if this is a little graphic, but what can say, the truth hurts. I should have gotten a better health care plan.

Vasectomy Clinic


  1. LOL little graphic!...how are the bag or bags of frozen peas? Did you get time off from work at least? I might have the same done...but in 8 years maybe, still undecided on a 3rd kid.

  2. Bahahaha....that's crazy...I just got 'done' a few weeks ago too. We should like...celebrate or something? Maybe sit around, eat Jello and watch the Notebook. I'm feeling a bit better the past few days and I'm looking to slowly, carefully, ever-so-gently ramp up the training starting next week. I'll let you know how it goes. hang in there. Or...ummm...don't...keep em' tight to you.

  3. ...thank goodness for health care in Canada. My guy used a laser. no stitches or anything. he could've prolly fixed my eyes with that thing too...but I didn't want to be cock-eyed.

  4. ...holy SH**...the 'word verification' for my last comment was "sperms" i kid you not.

  5. I'm down with a movie and Jello, how about a romantic comedy? "kid you not", pun intended? I should move to Canada, I'm stitched up like a bag of marbles. I think he used a rusty spoon and a zippo.

  6. Everything Q just shared had me rolling...

    Sorry 'bout your procedure. There are good doctors and bad doctors at this. I used to work for a group of urology guys and there was one who had the magic touch...that guy was BUSY - no one wanted anyone but him...understandably...that's some important junk they're working with ;-)

  7. ps. my word verification was miener...rhymes with wiener. Sorry...couldn't resist.

  8. I think my husband would agree
