Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas in East Dakota!

So last time we were in western Minnesota was during Thanks giving and the next 3 pics below give you an idea of what the landscape is like. For people who don't farm or pheasant hunt, this is pretty desolate.

view south

view north
So here is the landscape today. Now this is desolate! The next 3 pics were taking in the same spot a mere 30 days later. They are in the same order as the above 3 pics.  Santa feels right at home out here this time of year.  You can see in the pic of the view south, the wind was blowing some of the snow from right to left (actually the wind was out of the Northwest). As the day goes on the snow slowly creates drifts over the road and can become quite treacherous.

view south
view north
Merry Christmas from East Dakota!

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